the action or practice of meditating.“a life of meditation”
synonyms: contemplation, thought, thinking, musing, pondering, consideration,reflection, prayer, deliberation, study, rumination, cogitation, brooding,mulling over, reverie, brown study, concentration, speculation; rarecerebration“cultivating the presence of God in meditation and prayer”-
a written or spoken discourse expressing considered thoughts on a subject.plural noun: meditations
“this is not a mythopoetic meditation on manhood, it’s a historical study”
All treatment duration and prices are hands on and include one of Buddu’s signature Aromatherapy massage oil blends. If you have any sensitivities, allergies especially to nuts or you are pregnant then other base oils can be used.
If you are interested in meditation classes please get in touch.
Commercial Pricing Structure
If you are interested in bringing Acupressure chair massage into the workplace, please get in touch to discuss the pricing structure.
t: 0745 400 2072 e: info@buddu.co.uk
I understand that some situations cannot be controlled and you may need to cancel or rearrange your appointment. However I do require 24 hrs notice where possible. This allows the opportunity for someone else to take the appointment. If you do not give me more than 3 hours notice on the day of your appointment, a charge of £15 per hour may apply which will be payable before your receive any more treatment at Buddu.- Change of duration of appointment time notice is required as above.
- If you book regular appointments in advance and you cancel or change them 3 times within (6 weeks) then you may lose your slot and not be able to book in advance. If you are not sure then book single treatments.
I plan my diary around the specified time booked. If you arrive late your session maybe shortened to accommodate appointments following yours; however payment of the “FULL FEE” still applies for the time that was booked. Where I can I do accommodate late arrivals. The time you book is the amount payable on the day of your appointment.
If I am running late I will notify you when possible and add the time on or refund the difference. - Payment
Cash or bank transfer. I do not accept cheques or have a card machine.
Please see full terms and conditions here
Important Information about your treatment
If you have any sensitivities, allergies especially to nuts or you are pregnant then other base oils can be used.
All treatments can be adapted to suit what is right for you. Treatment descriptions are only guidelines to give you an idea what treatment involves. Each treatment is unique and although has a basic structure does change depending on the day how you are feeling and how the soft tissue structures are responding.
A full consultation is carried out on your first visit to ensure there are no contra-indications to prevent the treatment from taking place. If I am in a situation where I feel it is not within my scope of practice to treat you I will refer you on to the appropriate persons. If a doctors permission is required treatment will not proceed. All information is confidential so it is crucial that you do not withhold anything that may be relevant. If you are unsure please ask. When the consultation is complete you will be given time to prepare yourself for your treatment.
Read More →It is important to choose a qualified massage therapist who has undertaken the necessary training to understand the theory and practice of this particular therapy.
Janine Lingard is a massage therapist, who is an FHT member, you can be confident that she is professionally trained, qualified and insured. Janine will also be listed on our Complementary Healthcare Therapist Register, as massage is considered a form of complementary healthcare. See link below.
