Category Archives: Treatments

the action or practice of meditating.“a life of meditation”
synonyms: contemplation, thought, thinking, musing, pondering, consideration,reflection, prayer, deliberation, study, rumination, cogitation, brooding,mulling over, reverie, brown study, concentration, speculation; rarecerebration“cultivating the presence of God in meditation and prayer”-
a written or spoken discourse expressing considered thoughts on a subject.plural noun: meditations
“this is not a mythopoetic meditation on manhood, it’s a historical study”
All treatment duration and prices are hands on and include one of Buddu’s signature Aromatherapy massage oil blends. If you have any sensitivities, allergies especially to nuts or you are pregnant then other base oils can be used.
If you are interested in meditation classes please get in touch.
Commercial Pricing Structure
If you are interested in bringing Acupressure chair massage into the workplace, please get in touch to discuss the pricing structure.
t: 0745 400 2072 e:
I understand that some situations cannot be controlled and you may need to cancel or rearrange your appointment. However I do require 24 hrs notice where possible. This allows the opportunity for someone else to take the appointment. If you do not give me more than 3 hours notice on the day of your appointment, a charge of £15 per hour may apply which will be payable before your receive any more treatment at Buddu.- Change of duration of appointment time notice is required as above.
- If you book regular appointments in advance and you cancel or change them 3 times within (6 weeks) then you may lose your slot and not be able to book in advance. If you are not sure then book single treatments.
I plan my diary around the specified time booked. If you arrive late your session maybe shortened to accommodate appointments following yours; however payment of the “FULL FEE” still applies for the time that was booked. Where I can I do accommodate late arrivals. The time you book is the amount payable on the day of your appointment.
If I am running late I will notify you when possible and add the time on or refund the difference. - Payment
Cash or bank transfer. I do not accept cheques or have a card machine.
Please see full terms and conditions here
Important Information about your treatment
If you have any sensitivities, allergies especially to nuts or you are pregnant then other base oils can be used.
All treatments can be adapted to suit what is right for you. Treatment descriptions are only guidelines to give you an idea what treatment involves. Each treatment is unique and although has a basic structure does change depending on the day how you are feeling and how the soft tissue structures are responding.
A full consultation is carried out on your first visit to ensure there are no contra-indications to prevent the treatment from taking place. If I am in a situation where I feel it is not within my scope of practice to treat you I will refer you on to the appropriate persons. If a doctors permission is required treatment will not proceed. All information is confidential so it is crucial that you do not withhold anything that may be relevant. If you are unsure please ask. When the consultation is complete you will be given time to prepare yourself for your treatment.
Read More →It is important to choose a qualified massage therapist who has undertaken the necessary training to understand the theory and practice of this particular therapy.
Janine Lingard is a massage therapist, who is an FHT member, you can be confident that she is professionally trained, qualified and insured. Janine will also be listed on our Complementary Healthcare Therapist Register, as massage is considered a form of complementary healthcare. See link below.

From the 2nd trimester (13 weeks) right up to your due date, you may be able to receive massage from a qualified therapist that is specially trained adapted to suit the on-going changes that are taking place in your body. I have these qualifications and am pleased to offer pregnancy massage.
Before you can be treated at Buddu, permission must be obtained from your midwife and/or GP – I rely on your verbal authorisation unless I require written permission. This is for your own safety and well being and complies with the regulations set out for UK law and by the association Buddu Chill is under which is the FHT
Your state of health and well-being is crucial for the development and well-being of you and your baby. Massage techniques are soothing & relaxing using quality base oils that hydrates & moisturises the skin with many properties in the oil itself. We work around what is comfortable for you. Massage positions are adapted and include lying on your side with support from cushions and you can also be seated.
Pregnancy massage emotionally and physiologically supports the female during a time when her body is undergoing many changes and can help prepare the body for birth. With the joys of the baby’s development comes the extra pressure on joints, ligaments and tendons often causing discomfort and pain.
There is research that shows the baby can benefit greatly from massage as “feel good” endorphins are release by the Mother during the treatment and are passed onto baby.
There is also evidence to suggest that regular massage through the trimesters can prepare the Mother for birth allowing the body the ability to relax often resulting in shorter and easier births, less pain and lower rate of postnatal complications.
It can also lead to increased breast feeding success due to the increased prolactin and mammary development.
There are many benefits for massage which may:
- Relieve stress, anxiety and low mood
- Relieve muscular tension, aches and pains in the soft tissues of the body
- Calming for Mother and Baby
- Stimulation of the circulation – this distributes essential nutrients to the body, especially the placenta which will feed and aid the development of the baby
- The lymphatic system eliminates toxins from the cells and the blood and helps to reduce oedema (swelling)
- Induces deep relaxation
- Helps with respiratory issues
- The release of Oxytocin which is a pain reducing hormone providing vital relief of pain during labour and birth
- The therapist if you continue with treatments throughout provides and vital monitoring support
- Helps with energy levels and tiredness
- Helps with muscular cramps particularly in the calf’s
The video below (not my property) is to give you an idea of the position when lying. Please note that you are completely covered and dignified when in my practice. Only areas worked on will be uncovered. Techniques applied may be different due to training and dependent on the clients needs. This is for demonstration purposes only.
Prices for Pregnancy Massage – if you are unsure what you would like then choose the amount of time you would like to book and I will assist you with your decision based on the information you provide
Areas of treatment can include – scalp, face, ears, neck, chest, back, shoulders, arms, hands, abdomen, legs & feet. There are modifications to pregnancy massage for areas treated. Depending on stage of pregnancy and for comfort, positions vary between – lying on the back, sideways and seated. Extra cushioning is provided.
Important Information about your treatment
If you have any sensitivities, allergies especially to nuts or you are pregnant then other base oils can be used.
All treatments can be adapted to suit what is right for you. Treatment descriptions are only guidelines to give you an idea what treatment involves. Each treatment is unique and although has a basic structure does change depending on the day how you are feeling and how the soft tissue structures are responding.
A full consultation is carried out on your first visit to ensure there are no contra-indications to prevent the treatment from taking place. If I am in a situation where I feel it is not within my scope of practice to treat you I will refer you on to the appropriate persons. If a doctors permission is required treatment will not proceed. All information is confidential so it is crucial that you do not withhold anything that may be relevant. If you are unsure please ask. When the consultation is complete you will be given time to prepare yourself for your treatment.
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Please see full terms and conditions here
Covid-19 Policy and Information about your treatment here
It is important to choose a qualified massage therapist who has undertaken the necessary training to understand the theory and practice of this particular therapy.
Janine Lingard is a massage therapist who is an FHT member, you can be confident that she is professionally trained, qualified and insured. Janine will also be listed on our Complementary Healthcare Therapist Register, as massage is considered a form of complementary healthcare. See link below.

Quisque convallis nibh non libero suscipit id ornare est suscipit. Phasellus id leo massa, in porta orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec nulla dui, gravida et convallis sit amet, dignissim nec mauris.

Swedish Massage
Swedish massage is the basis of all massage techniques and is general massage that would suit someone who has general aches and pains and not looking to treat specific problem areas. Although an experienced therapist adapts pressure levels to suit the underlying structures, I would say in my practice this is a medium pressure type of treatment I categorize as “General Massage”. If you are looking for a more deeper treatment to target areas of tension I would suggest asking for a deep tissue treatment. This will be discussed in your consultation.
Massage involves working the soft tissue of the body, to ease day-to-day stresses and muscular tension, and promote relaxation. It helps to increase delivery of blood and oxygen to the treated areas and can also be used in support of other therapies to assist in the rehabilitation of muscular injuries.
There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that massage can be effective in helping to treat certain chronic conditions, such as fibromyalgia and low back pain among many more. In guidelines produced in 2009 by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), manual therapies – including massage – are recommended for the early management of persistent, non-specific low back pain.
There are different styles & techniques of massage that a therapist should be qualified in order to practice.If you are visiting Buddu with a specific problem(s) I will combine techniques in order to give you the best possible treatment based on the consultation & assessment.
Relaxes and induces sleep
Increases blood and lymphatic circulation
Improves function and appearance of skin
Helps to break down fatty tissue and cellulite
Relaxes tight muscles and improves the function and tone
Maintains/ increases mobility of bones, as well as increasing circulation and nourishment of bones
Improves posture
Relieves stiff joints
Improves digestion, constipation and flatulence
Encourages deeper and more relaxed breathing
Helps to reduce stress
Provides a sense of well being
Swedish body massage emerged in Europe in the early 1800s. A Swedish physiologist, Per Henrik Ling (1776-1839), travelled to China and returned with a detailed insight into their massage techniques. From this he developed his own system of massage, combining his knowledge of physiology, gymnastics, Chinese, Greek, Roman and Egyptian massage techniques. Many of the techniques he devised are used today, including effleurage, petrissage, vibrations, rotation, friction, rolling and slapping. This is modern Swedish Body Massage.
In 1813 the first college to offer Swedish body massage was established in Stockholm and it later spread across Europe.
In 1894 the Society of Trained Masseuses was formed and it worked hard to raise standards and promote massage as a professional occupation. In 1899 Sir William Bennett opened a massage department in St. George’s Hospital, London, establishing massage as an accepted form of treatment in the medical profession. Massage was used to treat people during both world wars and since the 1960s and the rise of the human growth movement, which believed that people didn’t have to be ‘sick’ to benefit from massage, there has been a continuous demand.
Prices for Swedish/General – if you are unsure what you would like then choose the amount of time you would like to book and I will assist you with your decision based on the information you provide.
Areas of treatment can include – scalp, face, ears, neck, chest, back, shoulders, arms, hands, abdomen, legs & feet).
Scalp and Face are optional but I do encourage clients to try because of the are at the top of the neck and scalp accumulates lots of tension.
Important Information about your treatment
If you have any sensitivities, allergies especially to nuts or you are pregnant then other base oils can be used.
All treatments can be adapted to suit what is right for you. Treatment descriptions are only guidelines to give you an idea what treatment involves. Each treatment is unique and although has a basic structure does change depending on the day how you are feeling and how the soft tissue structures are responding.
A full consultation is carried out on your first visit to ensure there are no contra-indications to prevent the treatment from taking place. If I am in a situation where I feel it is not within my scope of practice to treat you I will refer you on to the appropriate persons. If a doctors permission is required treatment will not proceed. All information is confidential so it is crucial that you do not withhold anything that may be relevant. If you are unsure please ask. When the consultation is complete you will be given time to prepare yourself for your treatment.
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Please see full terms and conditions here
Covid-19 Policy and Information about your treatment here
It is important to choose a qualified massage therapist who has undertaken the necessary training to understand the theory and practice of this particular therapy.
Janine Lingard is a massage therapist who is an FHT member, you can be confident that she is professionally trained, qualified and insured. Janine will also be listed on our Complementary Healthcare Therapist Register, as massage is considered a form of complementary healthcare. See link below.

Reflexology is based on the principle that reflex points on the soles, tops, and sides of the feet correspond to different areas of the body. In this way, the feet can be seen as a ‘map’ of the body. By applying specialised massage techniques to specific reflex points – using the thumbs, fingers and knuckles – the aim of a reflexology treatment is to help restore balance to the body naturally, and improve the client’s general well-being. Working on the feet there are thousand of nerve endings that are stimulated through the application of pressure on reflex points that correspond with the areas (zones) of the body helping to unblock the meridian (energy) pathways & breaking down any crystalline deposits.
Some therapists may also work reflex points on the hands, ears and face, however it is the feet that are most commonly treated in reflexology.
- balances energy, helping the body return to a state of equilibrium on an emotional, mental
and physical level - increases circulation
- boosts the lymphatic system
- improves immune system and eliminates toxins
- deeply relaxing, relieving physical and mental fatigue
- helps the body rejuvenate itself
- releases endorphins which creates a feeling of well-being
- pain relief
- stimulates and soothes the nervous system
- balancing effect on the endocrine system
- affects blood pressure, having a normalising effect
Removal of shoes & socks only, you will sit back & relax while the feet are cleansed. Breathing techniques are encouraged to aid relaxation at the beginning, while massage of the feet to warm up takes place. The reflexology acupressure points are applied and to finish a foot and lower leg massage.
There is evidence of some form of foot and hand therapy being practiced in China as long ago as 4,000 B.C. and also at the same time in Egypt, as depicted in the tomb of Ankmahor. The North American tribes of Indians are known to have practiced a form of foot therapy for hundreds of years.
The more modern form of reflexology was first pioneered by an ear, nose and throat surgeon by the name of Dr William Fitzgerald (1872-1942). Dr Fitzgerald was the founder of Zone Therapy, which was an earlier form of reflexology. He discovered that exerting pressure on the tips of the toes or fingers caused corresponding parts of the body to become anaesthetised. From this, Dr Fitzgerald divided the body into ten equal zones, which ran from the top of the head to the ends of the toes. By using tight elastic bands on the middle sections of the fingers, or using small clamps on the tips of the fingers, minor surgery could be carried out with no further anaesthetic agents required.
However, reflexology as we know it today was pioneered by a woman called Eunice Ingham (1889 – 1974), or the mother of modern reflexology. Eunice Ingham was a physiotherapist working in a doctor’s practise using the zone therapy developed by Dr Fitzgerald. Ms Ingham thought, however, that it would be more effective to be practised on the feet rather than the hands. After extensive research, she developed the map of the entire body on the feet – where one point on the foot corresponds to a certain part of the body. By using acupressure or massage techniques on these points, a positive effect is created in the corresponding body part.
Eunice Ingham spent 30 years travelling around America teaching her reflexology first to medical staff, and then to non-medical practitioners. Modern Western reflexology uses the charts and theories developed by her and now called the Ingham Method. Ingham’s work is carried on by the International Institute of Reflexology.
Zone reflexology
Important Information about your treatment
If you have any sensitivities, allergies especially to nuts or you are pregnant then other base oils can be used.
All treatments can be adapted to suit what is right for you. Treatment descriptions are only guidelines to give you an idea what treatment involves. Each treatment is unique and although has a basic structure does change depending on the day how you are feeling and how the soft tissue structures are responding.
A full consultation is carried out on your first visit to ensure there are no contra-indications to prevent the treatment from taking place. If I am in a situation where I feel it is not within my scope of practice to treat you I will refer you on to the appropriate persons. If a doctors permission is required treatment will not proceed. All information is confidential so it is crucial that you do not withhold anything that may be relevant. If you are unsure please ask. When the consultation is complete you will be given time to prepare yourself for your treatment.
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It is important to choose a qualified massage therapist who has undertaken the necessary training to understand the theory and practice of this particular therapy.
Janine Lingard is a massage therapist who is an FHT member, you can be confident that she is professionally trained, qualified and insured. Janine will also be listed on our Complementary Healthcare Therapist Register, as massage is considered a form of complementary healthcare. See link below.

Energy – Reiki & Crystals
Everything is made of of atoms & atoms are energy. Science says energy doesn’t die it transforms and manifests into something else. We can’t see “energy” but we can feel it on a windy day, we can feel it when we are warmed by a fire or the sun. Gravity keeps us from floating off into space and plays a crucial role in almost every nature process from the ocean tides to the body’s circulatory system & waves exist such as sound but we can’t see them but we can hear them. Healing takes place on an energetic level, Stress is a primary factor in the cause of manifestation on a physical level, this can resort from the mental & emotional bodies. Whether you choose to experience Reiki or Crystals or combine them together, all you need is an open mind and experience these therapies for yourself, you may be surprised.
Reiki & Crystal Therapies
A very gentle non-invasive clothed therapy where hands/crystals are placed on or away from the body or both, channelling healing energy to work on the meridian pathways (Acupuncture), chakras & aura (electromagnetic field) chi (energy).
Benefits all but is perfect for clients with Neuropathic pain to the extent touch is impossible along with many other conditions especially stress, depression & emotional issues.
Crystals are solid material containing atoms, molecules or ions and are arranged in regular geometrical patterns. Temperature, pressure, chemical conditions and the amount of space available are some of the factors that affect their growth. They are usually formed in volcanic areas where hot gases encounter cool surroundings and deposit crystals . Like any other material that has been created by natural elements of the earth, they contain a vibrational energy with unique healing properties.
Chakra Points
There are 7 major Chakra points of the body. The Chakras are the energy centers in our body in which energy flows through. It is believed that if these points are not in flow with each other or out of balance then this may affect our mental, physically, emotional and spiritual levels. Working with Chakra points will help individuals harmonise and achieve inner balance. We have chakras all over our bodies but start with the major common ones first.
Each Chakra is associated with a different colour, sounds, body part and crystal.
Reiki or Crystal Therapies
30mins £30
45mins £35
60mins £40
Combine Reiki and Crystal Therapies
60 mins £40
Therapeutic Massage Treatment
Using massage techniques while incorporating visualisation, breathing techniques, sound, colour, crystals, Reiki and other sensory tools to help with blockages within the energy field and meridian pathways.
75mins £48
90mins £55
Important Information about your treatment
If you have any sensitivities, allergies especially to nuts or you are pregnant then other base oils can be used.
All treatments can be adapted to suit what is right for you. Treatment descriptions are only guidelines to give you an idea what treatment involves. Each treatment is unique and although has a basic structure does change depending on the day how you are feeling and how the soft tissue structures are responding.
A full consultation is carried out on your first visit to ensure there are no contra-indications to prevent the treatment from taking place. If I am in a situation where I feel it is not within my scope of practice to treat you I will refer you on to the appropriate persons. If a doctors permission is required treatment will not proceed. All information is confidential so it is crucial that you do not withhold anything that may be relevant. If you are unsure please ask. When the consultation is complete you will be given time to prepare yourself for your treatment.
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Please see full terms and conditions here
Covid-19 Policy and Information about your treatment here
It is important to choose a qualified massage therapist who has undertaken the necessary training to understand the theory and practice of this particular therapy.
Janine Lingard is a massage therapist who is an FHT member, you can be confident that she is professionally trained, qualified and insured. Janine will also be listed on our Complementary Healthcare Therapist Register, as massage is considered a form of complementary healthcare. See link below.

To be updated
Important Information about your treatment
If you have any sensitivities, allergies especially to nuts or you are pregnant then other base oils can be used.
All treatments can be adapted to suit what is right for you. Treatment descriptions are only guidelines to give you an idea what treatment involves. Each treatment is unique and although has a basic structure does change depending on the day how you are feeling and how the soft tissue structures are responding.
A full consultation is carried out on your first visit to ensure there are no contra-indications to prevent the treatment from taking place. If I am in a situation where I feel it is not within my scope of practice to treat you I will refer you on to the appropriate persons. If a doctors permission is required treatment will not proceed. All information is confidential so it is crucial that you do not withhold anything that may be relevant. If you are unsure please ask. When the consultation is complete you will be given time to prepare yourself for your treatment.
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Please see full terms and conditions here
Covid-19 Policy and Information about your treatment here
It is important to choose a qualified massage therapist who has undertaken the necessary training to understand the theory and practice of this particular therapy.
Janine Lingard is a massage therapist who is an FHT member, you can be confident that she is professionally trained, qualified and insured. Janine will also be listed on our Complementary Healthcare Therapist Register, as massage is considered a form of complementary healthcare. See link below.